Thursday, April 8, 2010

Welcome to the 2010 Ultimate Blog Party!

This will be my first year participating in 5 Minute's For Mom's 2010 Ultimate Blog Party and I am so excited to be a part of this amazing event! I wasn't blogging last year but from what I hear, this is the event you won't want to miss! This is an wonderful opportunity to meet new bloggers and win some incredible prizes!

I am so used to offering giveaways to my readers, I haven't had the time to enter any myself. I think I am going to take this opportunity to try and win some prizes myself! There are prizes for everyone, no matter where you live!

I would feel lucky to win any of the prizes being offered. However, my top three picks would be
  • 39 -Be My Guest certificate ($250 value) for one lucky winner, (2 night stay for a family of four) at any Hilton Garden Inn.Provided by: Hilton Garden Inn
    Follow here: bloggin2noggin

And if my top three picks are already chosen, I’d love anything to help me get a break. I haven't had a vacation in over 5 years! I would also love anything related to fashion, jewelry, or relaxation!

Thank you for stopping by! I love comments and will always comment or email back! If you follow me, please let me know and I will follow you back :) Have fun & let's party!!!


  1. I'm linked up to the UBP too! Party! I'm following you too!

  2. Nice to meet you! Good luck winning one of those items!

  3. Stopping by from the UBP linky !Good luck winning your get away !

  4. HI,

    I am here from the Ultimate Blog Party - actually I have visited you before. I list my giveaway on your linky every Friday (thanks for doing that). I hope you can stop by and visit with me. :)

  5. Hi, I'm visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party. Nice to meet you. :)

  6. Hi there! Happy UBP '10!

    supercoupongirl AT

  7. Good luck, everyone!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  8. hello - here visiting on the ubp party! Nice to meet your blog - and I see a Fri linkup I can join!! Yeah!

  9. Great to meet you! Isn't UBP awesome?

  10. Happy Blog Party! I have to say that I love the wide range of products you review.

  11. Looks like we're going to battle for those vacations. :p
    :) :) :)

  12. Happy Blog party! I love all the great reviews and giveaways on your blog thanks.


  13. I'm a party guest and I also follow you already. Just wanted to say hi!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  14. I couldn't go 5 years without a vacation! Someone would be pretty sure a bomb had been set off in WNY but all the noise I was making if I didn't get to go somewhere! You deserve to just sit back and relax (hopefully win something while you are at it.)

    Thanks for the great giveaways you have on your site right now

    Opinions, Thoughts & Everyday Life

  15. oops! I am so Blonde, please delete my previous post! I just wanted to say Hi! I've never been to your blog before but I like your colors. I am visiting all the people from the Ulitmate BLog party that are on the "Not Family Friendly list!" Come and visit Still blonde after all these Years at . We are giving away Some awesome frames from Ceiva valued at $248 in celebration of the Ultimate Blog Party! Also, at the Blog Party Prize Page, I am giving away a prize. A $450 Foot and Calf massager! Read about it here on my blog:
    Review Retreat, I will post your linky to my "Link your giveaway page" at Please come visit and talk about your blog, either at my blog or my facebook page:

  16. Good luck, hope you win something! Sounds like you deserve it!!

    Stopping by from UBP 2010! Come visit me too:

  17. Hi, just stopping in from UBP! Hope to get back soon to poke around some. Enjoy the party!

  18. Since you specifically said that you like comments AND you do a lot of giveaways, I figured I'd just go ahead and ask you. I have been blogging for about 4 years now - just for myself. I've never done it for the money or the readers--just for me. But all of the blogs I've read today (thanks to my discovery last week of the UBP2010) talk about regular giveaways and I am just wondering why people do this and would love to discuss it with you. Would you mind emailing me at love2cook05 at gmail dot com? Thanks!

  19. No vacation in 5 years? How do you survive? I can't wait to look around your blog some more!

    Stop by FTSN for a slice of peanut butter pie when you get the chance.


  20. stopping by on my party route from the UBP you have a great blog here

  21. Hi! Loving seeing all these new blogs. Hope you're enjoying the party too!

  22. stopping by from UBP party nice to meet you

  23. Happy Friday! I'm your new follower from UBP10! Visit me at and sign up for my newest giveaway!

  24. Since the pie wasn't ready when you came by earlier, we thought you might like a bedtime snack...

    Sweet Dreams! ~ Maria & Michelle @ FTSN

  25. Hi. Just stopping by from UBP10. I'm following you on twitter. Cute blog name :)

  26. It's great to meet you! I do giveaways and reviews too! Good luck on winning the prizes you want.. and at the very least I hope you get a vacation!!

  27. hello and thanks for the visit today for the UBP! So lovely to meet you

  28. Fun blog! Lots of great giveaways too. Found you via UBP!

  29. Just cruizing through some of the blogs at the party :) i hear you on the needing a break:)

    Good luck!
    Karrine My Ultimate Party Post

  30. nice to meet you, found you over on the blog party and thought to stop on over and say hello

    i began to follow you on twitter and your facebook too..

  31. Blowing in from the UBP to say hi :)

  32. Hi Jen,
    Nice to meet you. Happy partying!

  33. Hi, Stopping by from UBP 2010 - my first too! Hope you have a great time!

  34. Stopping in from the UBP to say HI! :)

  35. Welcome to blogland.
    I have been blogging for about 1 1/2years.
    I took part in this party last year and found it to be the happenin` place.
    Have fun at the PARTY!!

  36. Stopping in from UBP, HELLO!!!
    Nice to meet you!

    I know what you mean, I do so many reviews and giveaways myself - I never enter others' - this is a great way to relax and play on the other side of things for a bit. LOL
    Great blog, I'm subscribing!!

    My UBP:

    Tammi @ My Organized Chaos

  37. Nice to meet you. If you get a chance please visit my blog -- Teen Lit Review.

  38. Dropping by to toss confetti, pull up a virtual chair and party with you. Let's have some fun!

    I've got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse. Plus, I've got giveaways too. I hope you'll surf on over and say hello.

    Oh, I'm @Dayngr on twitter.

  39. Stopping by from the UBP! :-) I'm kind of blog-hopping right now, but following you so I can be sure to come back later! :-D

  40. Just “party hopping!” Very, very nice to “meet you” :) So many blogs, so little time!! LOL!


    Visit my party post at:

  41. So nice to meet you! Great blog and I look forward to reading it more :)

  42. Hi! I'm hopping over from the UBP. Can't wait to read more! I am a new follower.

    Come by and see me sometime.

  43. Great post!

    Feel free to come by my blog and read my Ultimate Blog Party ’10 post!
    Become a reader & stay informed of upcoming giveaways!

  44. Stopping by for the party! Great giveaways and articles. Can't wait to read more!

  45. Stopping by from the UBP! I'm subscribing to your RSS so I can get to know you better afetr all the blog hopping :)

  46. Looks like a fun blog! -Shonda @ Knowlton Nest (

  47. It's my first year too!! :D Hope you are having fun at the UBP!

    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :)
    and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

    Hope you are having fun at the UBP!

    Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

  48. Blog hopping on the UBP and just wanted to drop in and say hello.

  49. Blog hopping and just wanted to say hellooo!!!

  50. How fun to meet new bloggers at this virtual party! Please come visit if ya get a chance :)

  51. here from the UBP, so nice to meet you, hope you win something.

  52. Hi and nice to meet you! I followed you on Twitter, FB, and GFC. Feel free to stop by and visit ($15 GC to Babies R Us/Toys R Us Giveaway). Happy UBP10!

  53. Found your blog, UBP. Very Fun!

  54. Hewwo! Nice to meet you :D Very nifty blog you have here and I will definitely follow for more :D Enjoy your weekend and ... your friday HAHA.

    Happy partying!

  55. Hey Winner!
    You need these numbers to complete the prize form on the prize page -

    61 Jen

  56. Just stopping in from UBP 2010 (Little late, I know ;) )!!! Joined your following, can't wait to see what you post in the months to come!! Party on ;) *G*



I love comments from my readers! I value your opinions, advice and enjoy your questions. Leave your comment here, and remember - if you are commenting as a giveaway entry please include your email address. Thanks!