Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fit For Fall: Aligned and Well Smart Digestion DVD Review

katy-bOWMAN You may have heard me say this before and I bet you will hear me say it again, but I strongly believe that getting fit is not only about looking good on the outside, but looking good on the inside as well. 

Katy Bowman, Biomechanist and founder of Aligned and Well, believes that human movement can affect our health. There’s a lot of interesting science behind it all, but what is really all boils down to is by altering our movements, we can improve common health issues such as fatigue, cramps, foot and back pain, inflammation, as well as more serious health concerns such as fibromyalgia, diabetes, and more!

Digestion plays a major role in how we go about our daily lives. Maybe your acid reflux is preventing you from making a lunch date. It could be that you aren’t up to shopping the latest sale because you are too constipated and bloated. If you suffer from a gastroenterological disorder, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

My digestion issues began as an infant. I was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis. I underwent surgery and my health seemed to be as good as it could be. As a young teen, I began having a hard time keeping food down. I could swallow my food just fine but just minutes after eating, I could feel my food trying to come back up. I had to force myself to keep it down. I scheduled appointments with numerous doctors and was diagnosed with everything from acid reflux to bulimia. The doctors insisted my childhood disorder had nothing to do with my current condition and put me on prescription medication for acid reflux. Needless to say, the medication did not work, and I lived with this problem until I discovered Smart Digestion. Katy has discovered that even something as simple as a slouchy posture can cause problems with digestion!

SmartDigestion-DVDSmart Digestion Is Designed To Help With The Following Ailments:

  • Chronic Constipation
  • Acid Reflux
  • IBS
  • Heartburn
  • Bloating
  • Difficulty Swallowing

This DVD Includes:

  • An introduction to any movement habits you may have that can create chronic ailments, or make them worse.
  • Five prescribed movements (Rx...ercisesTM) you can do to improve circulation, waste removal, muscle and bone strength, and overall health.
  • Additional information on simple changes you can make to your daily life for improved health - specific to your situation.


This isn’t the typical exercise program. It’s designed to help heal rather than burn calories. It’s very low-impact and would be great for people of all ages. The Smart Digestion program offers a simple, natural solution by teaching new movement habits and pointing out any current habits that may be keeping you from feeling well. It begins with an introduction and leads into the exercises. Above is a “prescription label”. This is used during the video as an intro into the exercise Katy is about to demonstrate.

smart-digestion-explanation smart-digestion-exercise

The Smart Digestion DVD includes five basic exercises to help with digestion. It is very easy to follow. Katy does a wonderful job of explaining each exercise as well as showing you exactly how to perform each exercise. She describes each move, why it is begin done and what areas it will help.

I like that this DVD is just 40 minutes long. It’s a quick and easy solution to the problems I have been trying to cure for years. Not only have I noticed an improvement in my “acid reflux” but I have gone from having a bowel movement twice a month to once per day. I feel rejuvenated in a sense. I’m not bloated, not afraid to eat and I finally have my energy back. I highly recommend Smart Digestion to anyone suffering from problems with their digestion

The Smart Digestion DVD retails for $14.45 and is available for purchase online. You can learn more by visiting Aligned and Well or by visiting Katy’s blog. Find her on Twitter and Facebook.


*Disclaimer: A sample product was provided to me in exchange for my honest review. The opinions and thoughts expressed are my own. I received no other compensation for my review nor was I under any obligation to give a positive review or host a giveaway.


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