Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday- Not So Wordless

Let me start out by apologizing. I've recently discovered the meme - Wordless Wednesday. I really enjoy this particular meme, however I have yet to remain "wordless". I will work on more WW pictures and less week! ;)

Did you know Wine Freezes? Seriously, I have froze countless bottles of alcohol in my days and never has anything frozen. Oh no, I am not complaining. I actually prefer my wine chilled. Slushy anyone?

Recently I made 48 Easter Cupcakes. Being a beginner, I had no idea how much frosting I would need, so I bought extra. Yes, that is a spoon full of frosting. Oh yea, I'm about to enjoy every last lick of it! In my defense, I didn't eat any cupcakes. So technically, I am cutting calories.

More Wordless Wednesday's
J. Leigh Designz Look What Mom Found...and Dad TooWordless Wednesday7 Clown Circus5 Minutes For MomMomDot

Please add your Wordless Wednesday Link to the Linky below so I can stop by! Please feel free to leave a comment! I love 'em!


  1. If it makes you feel any better I don't think I've ever been wordless lol!

  2. mine are never fully wordless either lol. Looks great the wine slushy.

  3. I'm never wordless! That's why I call my link-up Wednesday of Few Words. ;)

    A wine slushie and some cupcakes would hit the spot right about now.

  4. I would love to have them both. :)

  5. Sometimes I'm not wordless too. :)

  6. Now I know, thanks!

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

  7. Wine slushie? I've never tried but it looks yum!


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