Thursday, April 8, 2010

Twitter Hop Thursday

Welcome to
Twitter Hop Thursday, hosted by Simply Stacie, The King's Court IV, and Little Yaya's and Blessed!

Would you like more Twitter followers?
Receive exposure to your Twitter Page all while being
introduced to many awesome blogs and businesses out there!
Come and join us!!

1. Add your Twitter to the MckLinky (you only have to add it to one and it will appear on all).

2. Click on the Twitter for the three hostesses and follow each of them on Twitter. We will follow you back.

3. Follow as many people on Twitter as you like, but make sure to leave comments with links so they'll know where to follow you!

Spread the word and add this MckLinky to your blog! Write your own post or copy and paste this one. Below the MckLinky box, you'll see "Want to be a part of this Blog Hop? Click here for instructions and code...." Have fun Twitter-Hopping along!

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. I wish I could do this! Twitter limits how many people you can follow once you get to around 2,000. I only have 1300 I can't follow more than 2,001 (I think that is might be 2,005). So, I have to be selective in who I follow. : )

  2. This was such a great idea. that simply stacie is simply brilliant!

  3. I'm following from MBC GFC. I have a new address that I just mentioned over there, so please follow there. Thanks! I hope to get to know you soon. *grin*


I love comments from my readers! I value your opinions, advice and enjoy your questions. Leave your comment here, and remember - if you are commenting as a giveaway entry please include your email address. Thanks!