Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Join Me in The Smart & Trendy Moms Social Parade

It's a Social Parade - Wednesday Link-up is a weekly link-up hosted by Smart and Trendy Moms . Their link up is great for socializing and to get new followers, fans, subscribers, readers without feeling overwhelmed. Every week they will have a new link-up that will focus on one of the ways you connect with people through your blog! They will rotate through gaining followers, fans, Networked blogs and more. Link-up and focus on one thing at a time. Its about fun one follower,fan and reader at a time!

How it works.
Grab the link-up button and post It's a Social Parade!! Wednesday Link-up.

This week is Follow By Reader round-up!!

To participate.
  • Follow the blog in the first spot r.s.s. feed on reader of choice. All blogs participating must have the r.s.s. icon so followers can easily find it.
  • Link-up your blog post for "It's a Social Parade" that you made on your blog.
  • Follow as many as you like commenting on their post as you do so they can follow back!


  1. Thanks for linking up with Smart and Trendy Moms Social Parade. I hope you will join every week:)
    I am Subscribe via google reader!
    Smart and Trendy Moms

  2. Hello! I'm your new follower through Social Parade! Great site! Visit me at http://www.rockindeals4you.com/?p=2218 and sign up for my giveaway!

  3. Hi! Stopping by on the Social Parade from Smart and Trendy Moms. I've subscribed to your rss feed.

  4. Visiting from a Social Parade!! Wednesday Link-up and I am now subscribed with Google Reader.

  5. Hi There,
    I just stopped by to follow from the social parade at Smart and Trendy Moms.
    Have a great day :)

  6. Visiting from Social Parade. I am subscribed with GR.

  7. Stopping by from Social Parade!
    Looking forward to reading more of your blog! I'm following and I've subscribed!


  8. linking up from the social parade, I now follow in google reader. Now I have to go enter your soda stream giveaway!

  9. Great to be here! Stopping by from the Parade. I am already email subscriber! I hope you get a chance to swing by www.miamamiah.com Enjoy the rest of your week!


I love comments from my readers! I value your opinions, advice and enjoy your questions. Leave your comment here, and remember - if you are commenting as a giveaway entry please include your email address. Thanks!