Friday, February 12, 2010

Potty Training Is Just So Much Fun! (Not)

My son, Ayden is 21 months old and we haven't quite mastered potty training yet. Okay, maybe that's a lie. We are far from even being close to being potty trained. At first, I thought it would be easy. One day he grabbed his diaper and started doing his own little version of "the pee-pee dance", so I took him to the potty and he went right away. But he's only done it that one time. I will take him to the potty and we will sit forever without ever going potty. Lately, he will come and get me after he has already gone potty.
Today, I put him down for his nap as usual. When I went to get him out of bed, he was standing up and pointing to the mattress. I noticed it was wet. I told him that his diaper must have leaked and began to pick him up when to my surprise, I noticed he wasn't wearing a diaper. I asked Ayden where his diaper was and he just started laughing and telling me he went pee-pee. This is my first child, so I never expected this to happen. I'm just glad it was only pee-pee!


  1. ahhh the joys of first time mommy-hood ;)

    I have an award for you on my page hun ;)

  2. HI, I am following you back. I LOVE that pic. I am potty training my 2yo and he has that kind of, er, um- urine strength? I may use that pic in a post with a link back to you if you don't mind.

  3. Thanks for your comments! I do not mind at all.

  4. I know it's Monday, but I'm stopping by from Friday Follow. Oh, potty training. I hate it. I always say it's the hardest "mom" job there is. My son was 3 1/2 before he finally got it down. But he did get it eventually. It just take a lot of patience.


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