Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friday Giveaway Linky – 7/30

Every Friday Review Retreat offers a place to promote your giveaways! Be sure to link directly to your giveaway and not your homepage. Links that are not directed to the giveaway will be deleted! Thank you.

Click here to view my current giveaways.

Please follow this format: BLOG NAME - GIVEAWAY PRIZE - END DATE

Links directing to the home page will be deleted. To make this linky easily accessible, please follow the format above and link directly to your giveaway(s).Jennifer


  1. Thanks for the linky, link up at my blog as well!

  2. thanks so much for letting us link up~!

  3. Thank you so much for the link up we appreciate it! Stop over at to win a copy of the new Sweet Pea Beauty DVD from Veggie Tales!

    Thanks again,



I love comments from my readers! I value your opinions, advice and enjoy your questions. Leave your comment here, and remember - if you are commenting as a giveaway entry please include your email address. Thanks!